Archive for the ‘Perth Fair’ Category.

Perth Job Fair


20+ businesses in Perth and across Lanark County are hiring full-time, part-time and seasonal positions. Open to all job seekers ages 15 to 65+, preregistration for this Job Fair is not required.

Businesses in Perth & across Lanark County are hiring full-time, part-time and seasonal positions. Open to all job seekers ages 15 to 65+, preregistration for this Job Fair is not required.


Date :
March 11, 2020 from 1 to 4pm

Event location :
26 Beckwith Street East, Perth, Ontario

Contact :
Community Employment Services – Algonquin College

Phone contact: 613-267-1381

170TH PERTH FAIR, SEPT. 4 TO 7, 2015

170TH PERTH FAIR, SEPT. 4 TO 7, 2015September 4 – 7, 2015

Perth & District Agricultural Society
Box 158, 50 Arthur St.
Perth, ON K7H 3E3
Phone/Fax: 613-267-4104






Adults …………………………………………..Friday $10.00
Adults ……………………………………….Saturday $12.00
Adults …………………………Sunday & Monday $10.00
Children 7 – 12 years……… Fri, Sat & Sunday $4.00
Children 7 – 12 years………………………Monday $2.00
Children 6 and under ····························· FREE
Membership Fee ································· $10.00

This year at the Perth Fair:

  • and so much more!

About the Perth Fair

The Perth and District Agricultural Society was founded in 1845. Many things have changed over the years, including the name and location of the society. One thing that has remained is the dedicated volunteer base which has supported the organization over the years.

Did you know? – The Perth and District Agricultural Society is a non-profit organization that hosts the Perth Fair on Labour Day weekend in Perth, ON. The organization is made up of hundreds of volunteers who come together to present a balance between agricultural and entertainment events.

We continue to build upon tradition while embracing the future and look to bring the best possible Fair to the Perth Fairgrounds. Have you considered volunteering? Become a member of a strong volunteer based organization. Please contact us at .

Perth Fair – A Tradition Built on Excellence.

McDonald’s Corners Agricultural Fair

McDonald’s Corners Agricultural FairThe 162nd Annual Fall Fair

Saturday, September 26, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

194 Cameron Road, McDonald’s Corners ON.

This year’s Theme is “Pigs”.

For information contact Sally at 613-259-3480 or e-mail:




Events at the Fair –
Friday – Display Hall will open from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. to place exhibits.

Saturday – Display Hall will open at
8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. to place
9 a.m. – Judging begins in Main
NEW – 4-HPoultry Achievement Judging and
4-H Heritage display trailer celebrating
100 years of 4-H
NEW – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. – West Wind Ranch
travelling ponies & petting zoo
10 a.m. – Heavy and Light Horse Show
12 noon – Children’s Sports Events
12 noon – Display Hall opens for viewing
12:45 p.m. – Teddy Bear Contest & Pet Show
1:45 pm – Cattle Show
4:30 p.m. – Turkey Supper

Vendor and Craft Booths will showcase their wares.
Children’s Games and Face Painting.
Canteen Food Booth open from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Come and enjoy a Day at the Fair.


Maberly FairAugust 29, 2015

for the
133rd Annual Maberly Fair Parade

“Sheep & Goats”

1st, 2nd & 3rd Prizes for best floats and/or costume in both adult & children’s category
(Prizes for all participating children)
Special prizes for best float depicting “Sheep & Goats”
$60 Tim Horton Gift Pack

Speeches & presentations will take place in the light horse area For more details: 613-273-5069 or

133rd Annual Maberly Fair

“Sheep & Goats”

18 years and up $5.00 7 years to 17 years $3.00 6 years and under free
Placing of perishable exhibits Light horse show
Judging of exhibits begins (HALLS WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC until approx- 1 p.m.) Various demonstrations and displays
Parade – Leaves Downtown Maberly Parade – Arrives at Fairgrounds Poultry Judging
Speeches and presentations in the light horse area WestWind Petting Farm
Readings by Marilyn of Kingston
Rabbit Agility Demonstration Lanark County 4H Club
Horse Pull
Musical entertainment including local talent of Hermann Amberger, Tony Leduc, Jessica Wedden,
Fiddlers & Friends and Tony Davy & Cathy Battison Hall exhibits open (or when judging is completed) Judging of Livestock
Zucchini races
Tai Chi Demonstration Children’s Games Adult Games
Fair Meal by Fall River Restaurant Exhibit Halls close


Perth Fair

ceIt’s that time of year again! Come out to the Perth Fair from August 29-September 1 and take part in Central Ontario’s rich Heritage Fair history! Enjoy rides and games from the midway, see livestock and participate in events, don’t miss out on the children’s concerts or the entertainment for the adults!

Children’s shows take place on Sunday August 31, don’t miss it!

Ry Guy Magic Show – 3 performances of “Have Magic In Your Heart”

Located in the Entertainment/Agriculture Tent

All shows are on Sunday August 31st at the following times:

  • 12:15pm
  • 2:00pm
  • 4:00pm

There will be a concert every day, times, band stands and bands to be listed on the Perth Fair website soon.

For a complete list of activities head to the fair website.