Posts tagged ‘Watersdown Mansion’

“The Watersdown Affair” Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre

Studio Theatre Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre

Studio Theatre Productions presents “The Watersdown Affair” Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre

It’s 1936… You’ve been invited to dinner at Watersdown Mansion. A murder has been committed. Can you help find the killer before he (or she!) strikes again? See nine of Studio Theatre’s finest actors in roles to die for!

WHEN: Friday October 16th, 2015 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm
WHERE: The Royal Canadian Legion, 26 Beckwith Street, Perth
TICKETS:$50 (includes a $30 tax receipt) Call Isabel at 613-326-0437
COSTUMES (Optional): Come as you are or have some fun and dress for the era!


Come, dine, be part of the mystery that’s MURDER to solve…