Posts tagged ‘Lanark County’s farmers and chefs’

Barns Farms and Wicked Chefs 2015

Barns Farms and Wicked Chefs 2015

Barns Farms and Wicked Chefs Food Tent and BarnShowcasing the best of Lanark County’s
farmers and chefs

Saturday, August 22
5:30 to 10 pm

at the historic barns of EcoTay

A magical fundraising event featuring a “moveable feast”  of local foods. Guests circulate around the historic farm property from one delectable dish to another, all the while being entertained by summer music. Dress is country elegant.

Visit our Barns Farms and Wicked Chefs Facebook group and join the Facebook event page to see past photos and get updates.

This event has sold out in past years so get your tickets early. Tickets are $125 per person with a $95 tax receipt and are available from Tickets Please, (, 39 Foster St., Perth. Alcohol sold separately. All proceeds from the event will go to support The Table Community Food Centre’s innovative programming.

We are currently seeking event sponsors. A great opportunity to showcase your company’s values and commitment to the community.  Contact Ramsey Hart at 613-267-6428, xt. 8 /ramsey[@]